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Covid and Diabetes onset link in Children?   Northern Ireland. UK. Research is being carried this year by the Southern Health Trust in the United Kingdom ,into possible Diabetes Type1 onsets as a direct result of Covid-19 infection.  The Trust  ,which covers the U.K Irish region, was prompted as one of their consultant paediatricians , observed a significantly greater number of confirmed diagnosed type 1 diabetes  cases in children since the pandemic began.  Dr Sarinda Millar a consultant paediatrician, spoke to the U.K press earlier this year, saying the research will involve looking to see whether newly diagnosed children had been exposed to COVID-19 by investigating their antibody status.   The study aims to help better understand the association between the two conditions if any. With lifestyle changes not thought to be implicit in type 1 diabetes, it will be looking at viral-based diabetic relationships as triggers as a source. What is type 1 diabetes?  Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas to be destroyed. Insulin is the anabolic hormone that promotes glucose uptake. As a result, the body can no longer produce enough insulin to adequately regulate blood glucose levels. This disease is more commonly diagnosed in young people, although it can develop in adulthood. As a result, people with type 1 diabetes must rely on injecting insulin to control their blood glucose levels. A viral trigger? Millar observed that the trust catchment area was experiencing a greater incidence of diagnoses of type 1 diabetes ,especially since the start of 2021.As well  more last year, speaking to the press in March. What triggers the immune system to behave this way is yet to be conclusively identified. To date, the strongest evidence points towards a virus as being the most likely trigger. Previous research has suggested that children exposed to Enteroviruses are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes. Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that usually cause mild illnesses, like the common cold. A  theory postulated  that enterovirus strains  may  trigger autoimmunity responses like diabetes type 1, is proving to be the framework in research circles. This study aims to throws light on how prevalent  this  proves to be with Covid-19. This study is currently still in progress.  

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